Wile E., this one is right down your alley. This morning New York Islanders defenseman Brendan Witt was crossing the street to get a cup of coffee when an SUV made a wrong turn and plowed into him. But just like Wile E., Witt got up, muttered a few curse words, and went on his way. Witt clearly takes his tough-guy image seriously. He addressed concerned onlookers, "I'm okay. I've got to go play some hockey. I'm a hockey player. I'm okay. No big deal." One guy was thoroughly impressed by the display of manhood, "it was like seeing Clint Eastwood, but in hockey," he said. And yes, Witt played tonight. Click here for more details on this crazy story.
See Wile E., you're not the only guy who bounces back from physical abuse!
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