Fishing is supposed to be the ultimate leisure activity right? Lounging in the hot sun on a boat while your line dangles across the bright blue ocean may be paradise for many, but not the Wira family. Today, Kora Wira, 14, and her family were enjoying a fishing excursion off the coast of Florida where they were attempting to catch sharks and barracudas. Some animals aren't good for human interaction, as they soon found out. Wira got a bite from a four-foot barraccuda, who, instead of cooperating and getting reeled in, jumped from the water and sunk its teeth into Kira's arm. The wound required 51 stitches to close, but Wira is expected to be alright.
Mr. Wira sprung to his daughter's rescue and quickly jabbed a knife into the barracuda's head, ending it's rebellious life.
As a strong believer in animal rights, I can't help but have mixed feelings on this one. Obviously I don't wish harm on anyone, let alone a young girl, and I hope that she recovers quickly from this terrible accident. But I also think fishing is a pretty silly, and stupid, activity, especially when the fish caught aren't even being eaten. If you had a hook thrust into your mouth, you wouldn't feel very good either, so I don't blame the barracuda for being feisty. What happened to Kira was scary and dangerous, and I wish her all the best, but maybe people shouldn't be fishing in the first place.